Library Policies
Animals in the Library
Provides guidance regarding the presence of animals in the library.
The Mt. Angel Public Library welcomes all service animals specifically trained to aid a disabled person. For the health and safety of other patrons, all other animals are prohibited from entry. When animals are part of a scheduled program, the event will be well-publicized and the animals will be confined to a specific area.
Bulletin Boards
As space allows, the Library will post notices on the lobby bulletin board and/or put out pamphlets that meet certain criteria.
Children’s Code of Conduct
Provides notice to parents about necessary supervision of children in the library during their visit.
Children’s Technology Use
Provides notice to parents about guidelines for their children using library computers.
Circulation Policy
Provides information about loan periods, fines and holds.
Code of Conduct
Encourages behavior that supports the library’s mission and service priorities. Provides examples of unacceptable behavior.
Collection Development
Provides guidelines for day-to-day acquisition and withdrawal decisions, allocation of resources, and long-range planning of collection needs in accordance with the library’s mission.
Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policy
Provides guidelines for how to donate items to the Library and what items the Library accepts.
Fine Free Policy
Provides information and rationale about the library’s Fine Free Policy.
Food and Beverages
Bottled water with a lid is fine to enjoy in the Library. Food is not allowed. Please pick up after yourself and use the trash and recycling receptacles provided.
Meeting Room Policy
Provides guidelines for community use of the Community Room. Includes the form that must be submitted in order to reserve the Community Room.
Oregon Passport Program
Provides information for how patrons with resident, full service fee, and taxpayer library cards may register and use other libraries across the state.
Photography Policy
Provides guidelines for visitors taking photos in the Library.
Privacy Policy
All library records relating to your use of the library and its resources are confidential. This policy details the three ways library records may be disclosed.
Proctored Tests
Provides guidelines for the proctoring of tests in the library for students enrolled in distance education courses at any public, private, or vocational school.
Reconsideration of Materials
Social Media Policy
Provides guidelines for participation in Library-related social networking, blogs, and other social media software offered by Mt. Angel Public Library.
Strategic Plan
The Library is currently engaged in creating a viable and relevant strategic plan coming soon! If you would like to provide expertise, help or input into this process, please contact Library Director Jackie Mills at (971) 370-5040
Suggest a Purchase
Wireless Internet (WiFi)
Provides guidelines and information for the use of the Library’s WiFi network.