Applying for a Library Card-Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I live within the city limits of Mt. Angel?
You may check the city map to see if your residence or business is within the city boundary or ask a library staff member for assistance. We are happy to help!
- How many items can I check out?
Our How Your Library Card Works page has everything you need to know about borrowing items from the library, including how many items you may check out and for how long, overdue fine information, and more.
- What if I have more questions?
Please stop by the circulation desk at the library or contact us.
- Why are there different levels of library cards?
City property taxes support each library in the CCRLS system. The different library card levels reflect the differences in property taxes paid by those who live inside and outside the city limits of Mt. Angel.
- Why does it say “CCRLS” on Mt. Angel Public Library cards?
The Chemeketa Cooperative Regional Library Service (CCRLS) is a cooperative effort of 18 member libraries in the Central Willamette Valley of western Oregon. CCRLS Library Cards can be used at any of the member libraries in the system. Explore CCRLS Libraries (link to 6.3)