Interlibrary Loan

Request an Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loans (ILLs) allow Mt. Angel Public Library patrons with valid library cards to borrow items owned by other library systems outside of CCRLS. If you can’t find something you want in the CCRLS catalog and it was published/released at least one year ago, you may use an ILL to request it. Note that the interlibrary loan process usually takes at least 3 weeks.

Things to know before proceeding…

• Please check the library catalog first. We may already own a copy of the material you are requesting. If we do own a copy and it is currently not available, please place a hold on the item. We will not be able to submit an ILL request for items we already own.

• Items published in the current calendar year cannot be ordered.

• Requests can only be made if account information is current and fines are below $25.

• You will be notified according to the preference listed in your account information when your item arrives. Items will be held for 7 days after notification.

• Please note that the due date of your Interlibrary Loan may differ from regular Mt. Angel library due dates.

• Interlibrary Loans are non-renewable.

Please fill out the form below.

Please enter your phone or email, so we can follow up with you.
Found on the back of your library card. Begins with 236100
Please indicate if you require a special format (i.e. large print, audio, other).